Fall season starts with sun last Saturday just the time to do some pictures of house decorations in 1.1 size... No minis yet because I am thinking about an autumn scene because my doll house needs a little refresh before to be presentable ( I am still looking on the way to arrange the front because I realized that the front part and door are not anymore straight... not funny...)
Genevieve, These pictures are for you they are step by step what was my room before painting (horrible orange) and after four times of white paints there is my room not finished of course..
Hi all, Sorry for the silence but I am still surprised at the speed all of you are doing so nice minis which are dreams for me... I am happy to present you the guest of the week, Hyvaa (a Finnish name), this nice lady of 9 years old is spending 10 days with us during the holidays of her Mum our colleague Manuela.
It was a test for us because my dear fiance told me yes for a cat but he was not sure how it will be... We will miss her I am spending all my evenings in our garden just in case she would like to go up and out of the garden, we are not sure she will find back her way back...and our area is full of others cats...